We create a huge range of valuable publications, research reports, articles and toolkits and will share them here.
The available resources are split into sub-sections on our website. These are:
- AOC Finance Guide 2024_241202_210750, TheAssociation of Chairs
- EUConsult Brexit Statement – Client Focused. EU Consult Brexit briefing statement.
- Maximising Cultural Heritage Erasmus project report. If you’re working in cultural heritage or have an idea, project or an organisation that could protect and maximise buildings with cultural value, then download the summary of our Cultural Entrepreneurship Project about how organisations in Vilnius and Matera have transformed an ex-monastery and an entire city using the power of culture
- HEFCE Toolkit Toolkit a Social Enterprise Toolkit for Higher Education Institutions
- SES_Report_FINAL-ENG-June2014. Uday was a key speaker and expert at this important Baltic event
- Success in Business: Finance and Marketing, Introduction to Financial Management and Marketing fundamentals for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs), Format: pdf, Copyright © Cross River Partnership and Red Ochre 2007, Size: 1.39 Mb
- Success in Business: Street Market Case Studies, Format: pdf, Copyright © Cross River Partnership and Red Ochre 2007, Size: 833 Kb
- Clinks: When the Dust Settles (the impact of a changing landscape on the Voluntary and Community Sector working to reduce reoffending and address community safety)
- Clinks: A Changing Landscape (a qualitative and quantitative study of the VCS working to reduce reoffending and address community safety in changing times)
- Clinks: Changing Times, Challenging Times (the impact of policy change and recession on voluntary organisations working in the criminal justice sector)
- Old Ford Housing Association: Cohesion – Making It Happen (a best practice guide to managing resources to promote community cohesion)
- Social Enterprise Coalition: Finance Toolkit for Social Entrepreneurs
- West Sussex County Council: The Social Impact Measurement Handbook
- Volunteer Centre Westminster: High Impact Volunteering
- Social Enterprise Coalition: Procurement Power (how BAME organisations can get work through procurement)
- Impact Report – The Ready to Grow Programme: Capacity building support for BAME social enterprises
- Notting Hill Housing Consultation 2009
- Creating Enterprise Through Community Engagement: the Aylesbury Estate Experience
- ACE Achievements: the Aylesbury Estate Experience Impact Report