Red Ochre is recognised as one of the best training organisations in the social economy. We offer numerous standard workshops that cover technical areas as well as soft skills. We develop and deliver tailored half-day or full day workshops, tailored and bespoke training and some accredited courses.
Traditional training
Red Ochre’s training and workshops are often delivered on behalf of other organisations, such as local authorities, social economy support organizations, foundations and trusts.
More than 2,000 people attend Red Ochre workshops and seminars every year!
Online training and webinars
Red Ochre also develop and deliver online training services including Skype and webinars.
For a recent example view Uday delivering an hour long webinar on Starting a Social Enterprise on behalf of SE UK.
For more information or to enquire
Interested in being one of them or organising training with Red Ochre? Take a look at some of the training modules we’ve recently delivered or maybe you’ve got other ideas?
Call us on 020-7250-8305 or e-mail: for further information.
Click here Red Ochre Workshop Portfolio 2020 for the nfp sector for more details.