Red Ochre is delivering a 6 part series of workshops on creating organisational personal success in partnership with the Directory of Social Change.
The remaining four workshops are detailed below:
Income Diversification – Online course, Friday 16 October 10-12.15/ online
Access to traditional sources of income for charities is getting scarcer and more competitive. Every charity should be considering alternative sources of funding both to improve sustainability, increase programme delivery and to reduce grant dependency where possible. What are the alternative sources and are they safe and what are the practical considerations of doing one or more of these?
Creating an organisational strategy: practical, engaging and inspiring, Monday 19 October 10-12.15/ online
Strategy and strategic planning are key to a successful delivery of outcomes, team & stakeholder engagement. The positive benefits of undertaking a structured and practical planning process have an immediate impact on any organisation.
Dynamic Leadership Approaches, Friday 19th October 10-12.15/ online
Leadership is a skill that can be developed by everyone. Leadership principles and practice can be applied in all the spheres of your life. As you progress up the management chain your leadership skills are increasingly called upon to develop and sustain your charity and to engage, motivate and deploy employees. This workshop will assist you in developing and applying many practical skills that will help to make you a better and more dynamic leader.
Communications and branding, Thursday 22nd October 10-12.15/ online
Public benefit organisations need to appeal to and engage with many stakeholders, good communications is vital as it impacts on every facet of an organisation. This course will take you through, communications and branding for your organisation.
Published: October 9, 2020.
Categories: Events and News.