We hope everyone is well, following government and health authority advice and coping with the C19 shutdown.
Although Red Ochre has closed its offices in line with official guidance the team is working from remote locations.
We are supporting our existing clients with email, Skype, Zoom and MS Teams conferencing.
If you would like to make contact with us the most efficient way is via email in the first instance.
Uday Thakkar, MD & coFounder
Robert Foster, coFounder & senior consultant
Martin Cooper, EU Project lead
Emergency funding
The Coronavirus Charity Help Fund offers grants of £5-20K for specific coronavirus poverty relief projects
Facebook is offering $100M in cash #grants and ad credits for up to 30,000 eligible small businesses
For more funding news keep an eye on our Twitter feed @RedOchreUK which we will be updating with funding, support and other news on a rolling basis.
Additional support and remote resources
For videos, podcasts, tools and other support have a look at some of the Red Ochre resources:
Red Ochre You Tube channel for videos on crowdfunding and building a social enterprise
Podcast and video page for a brief introduction to social enterprise, Project and budgetary management and social impact and social value
Reports and publications page for guides on Marketing, Finance, Social Impact reports and more
Fact sheet page for guides on Organisational Set-up and Strategic Planning, Finance, Marketing and Sales, Project Management and Impact Measurement, Managing and Growing Your Business
Good luck and stay safe.
Best wishes from the Red Ochre team.
Published: March 22, 2020.
Categories: Funding, News, Risk and Project Management, Robert's Blog and Uday's Blog.