SE-Assist is a pioneering approach to social investment, which brings together large businesses and social enterprises.
SE-Assist Croydon aims to support local social enterprises to grow, especially those that are struggling to access capital and support from elsewhere.
Successful social enterprises will receive a support package which includes:
• an interest free loan of between £10,000 and £30,000;
• a dedicated business mentor;
• access to a bank of experts.
Applications open on 8th June 2015 and close 20th of July 2015.
To apply you must be a social enterprise.
Further information
Croydon Council will host free bookable workshops (1 hour in duration each) in for those interested in this initiative on the first week of the application window (Monday 8th of June to Friday 12th of June).
If you wish to attend one please email Croydon Commissioning for further details and to register.
Published: June 8, 2015.
Categories: Funding and News.