Red Ochre in partnership with Capital Enteprise is offering a free to attend seminar and networking event to help you understand more about what the Right to Run agenda means for you.
Date: 29th March 2012, 3.30 – 5.30pm (networking to follow)
Venue: Room 110, Roberts Engineering Building, University College London, Torrington Place, London, WC1E 7JE
This event is aimed at:
- anyone exploring the possibility of allowing units within their organisation to become independent service providers;
- those contemplating “Spinning Out” their units from their statutory sector employer; or
- those trying to get a better understanding of mutualism, social enterprise and new service delivery models.
Speakers will include government policy makers, people who have established their own “spin out”, legal experts, finance experts and those who have supported the “Spin Out” process.
Red Ochre and Capital Enterprise, the seminar organisers, are delivering a 2 day intensive Bootcamp on this topic in May. At this seminar you will be able to learn more about how this will be of benefit to you and your organisation.
To register for your FREE ticket, please click here.
Published: March 8, 2012.
Categories: Events.