Women in Innovation Awards 2020/21 are now open! Innovate UK is offering 10 Women in Innovation Awards to female entrepreneurs across the UK. The winners will receive a £50,000 grant and a bespoke package of mentoring, coaching and business support.
Government announces £80m for Towns Fund.
PwC launches grant scheme for Black-led social enterprises and charities with BAME beneficiaries.
One-off grants of up to £30,000 for core costs are available from the Lloyds Bank Foundation’s Infrastructure Fund. The fund is for local and regional charitable infrastructure organisations working in areas that face particularly acute challenges in England and Wales. A quarter of the grants for the programme will be ring-fenced for infrastructure organisations that are specifically supporting black, Asian and minority ethnic-led charities and that are led by members of black, Asian and minority ethnic communities, use this link.
Grants are available from the Mrs Smith and Mount Trust’s Mount Fund to registered charities in the East of England, South East and London. The Fund supports charities working in the areas of: mental health; learning disability; homelessness; and health in the community. The Trust aims to assist disadvantaged people towards greater independence or a better quality of life. Applications are accepted from registered charities with an annual income of less than £1 million. Most grants from the Mount Fund are for up to £5,000. Find out more here.
Postcode Lottery funding is available for charities with ideas to help communities across Britain recover from problems highlighted or exacerbated by the pandemic from the new £3 million Postcode Recovery Fund. Charities can apply for between £500,000 and £1 million in funding. Priority areas for support include educational inequalities, homelessness, domestic violence, health and wellbeing, poverty, social exclusion and isolation.
Societe Generale 3 Year charity partnership. European financial services group Societe Generale is planning its next three-year charity partnership as part of the corporate social responsibility programme across the UK. It is inviting applications from eligible charities for the partnership which will start in April 2021. Use this link to complete the eligibility criteria.
£10K grants for community businesses. Community business leaders in England have until 2 December to apply for an entrepreneurial learning programme and a grant of up to £10,000 to help pandemic proof their businesses. Applications open today for the fifth and final year of Community Business Trade Up, which has supported nearly 300 community businesses since 2017. Use this link.
Published: October 9, 2020.
Categories: Funding and News.