Social Impact Measurement and Management
Red Ochre is running a practical introducion to Social Impact Measurement and Management on April 25th, 1000-1300, BIPC, British Library, Euston Road, London. To book or learn more click here. Read more »
Red Ochre are pleased to announce a series of four new bite-sized workshops (1 hour) delivered in partnership with Investment Escalator at LSBU.
Where? All events are held at the Clarence Centre for Enterprise and Innovation, Saint George’s Circus, London, SE1 6FE.
Click here for more details or to book a place.
What is Lean Start Up, and how do I start?
When: 29 June 2015 (1:00pm – 3:00pm)
Lean Start Up is a methodology to improve the success of launching new businesses as well as improving the
efficiency of existing businesses. Though closely identified with technology startups the technique originates
from manufacturing and is applicable to all types, sizes and stages of business.
The workshop will look at the basics of the Lean Start Up methodology and how it improves the
success of your enterprise.
We will also look at how the methodology works with the Business Model Canvas, a great tool to help you
understand and manage every aspect of your enterprise better.
11 ways to develop your team working and delegation skills
When: 30 June 2015 (1:00pm – 3:00pm)
This workshop is aimed at founders, directors and senior managers who are about to start
recruiting and managing people or are on the point of increasing their employee complement.
The lack of management skills is regarded as the greatest enterprise weakness in the UK.
The objectives of this bite-size introduction is to guide founders and/or managers in developing the skills to
develop their delegation and team management skills particularly in ways to managing people so that their
enterprises grow into successful and sustainable businesses.
Crowdfunding – 5 things you need to know
When: 10 July 2015 (1:00pm – 3:00pm)
Companies are traditionally funded through equity, debt and occasionally through grants. Crowd funding is an
alternative form of funding that is growing in popularity as it becomes more widely understood.
Robert Foster will explore the pros and cons of crowd funding, how it works, and what is it best suited to. Case
studies and examples, both successful and unsuccessful, are used throughout this interactive workshop.
A Strategic Approach to Raising Finance
When: 27 July 2015 (1:00pm – 3:00pm)
Aimed at owners/managers of new and growing enterprises, you will learn basic planning techniques,
pinpointing times and quantity of funding, building networks, and understanding the language of finance.
The workshop will help you develop skills and understanding of your financing requirements
and managing your finances. It will also better prepare your ability to raise finance and to consider
alternative sources of finance.
For more information
Click here for more details or to book a place.