Make your business more ethical

This is a free, an interactive half day workshop for owners, directors and senior managers of enterprises and organisations seeking to make their businesses more ethical and green.

when: Tuesday, 5 November 2013 from 10:00 to 13:00 (GMT)
Where: IP Centre, The British Library, 96 Euston RoadNW1 2DB, London

Ethical, environmental and social considerations are of growing importance to the public and to large commercial and statutory purchasers of goods and services.

Often the process requires a fundamental rethink of your values, operations, supply chain, branding and marketing. Convincing markets of your credentials does not work unless you have employee and stakeholder buy in.
The workshop takes a practical approach to examine your vision and values, internal processes, communications and on how to build on existing business models to increase and develop ethical, social and environmental focus of your business.
Topics covered include:

  • The growing importance of being a “good” enterprise
  • Different forms of “value” – financial, derived, social, environmental
  • Why different forms of value are important to different stakeholders and customers
  • Strategies to increase all forms of value
  • Organizational development – Practical use of the Balanced Score Card
  • Process and supply chain – Get better with Value Stream Mapping
  • Value driven marketing – Putting ethical messaging at the heart of your communications
  • Embedding the changes into the organisation

For more information or to book a free place visit eventbrite.



Published: October 4, 2013. Categories: Events.

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