Matched funding available for business advice

Robert Foster and Uday Thakkar are both registered to provide support under the government Growth Vouchers Programme. This programme provides matched funding up to £2,000 to pay for expert advice on a range of business topics.

Growth Voucher Logo


  • To find out more about the programme see the Enterprise Nation website
  • To find out if you’re eligible to take part look at the information page
  • Once you have applied, been assessed and issued with a Growth Voucher you should then search the Enterprise Nation Marketplace for registered advisers

Uday is registered as a provider for the Finance and cashflow work stream.

Robert is registered as a provider for the Leadership and management work stream.

Good luck and we look forward to hearing from you soon.



Published: May 8, 2014. Categories: News, Robert's Blog and Uday's Blog.

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