Social Impact Measurement and Management
Red Ochre is running a practical introducion to Social Impact Measurement and Management on April 25th, 1000-1300, BIPC, British Library, Euston Road, London. To book or learn more click here. Read more »
This is a multi-part course on practical innovation. It will be run over two sessions, with each session a month apart.
Session 1: Applied Innovation – Getting started with applied innovation
Wednesday 26th October, 1000-1200
This session will have a brief introduction on innovation and problem solving in business. We will explore words to describe innovation, and the purpose of innovation. We will also explore the innovation process from getting started, sorting through ideas, testing ideas, and developing products, processes or services.
Participants will examine which parts of their business are suitable for innovation. The themes or areas for innovation will be developed through an innovation framework 123Go! and fed into each participant’s Innovation Action Plan.
Participants will also explore methods to help with coming up with ideas (ideation).
Learning outcomes
Each participant will have a draft research / action plan to begin their innovation journey.
Particpants will also have a long list of innovation ideas (products, services, amendments to business models etc.)
Session 2: Applied Innovation – Sorting through and testing your ideas
Date: Wednesday 30th November, 1000-1200
For new participants there will be a recap of the four-stage innovation process. Returning participants will feedback on the progress made against their personal Innovation Action Plan and long list of ideas developed in session 1.
Session 2 focuses on ways to help you decide which ideas to invest time and money into developing (filtering or options appraisal).
This session will include understanding what customers want, testing that need and testing your ideas that meet those customer needs. We will also look at how to measure the success of tests.
Learning outcomes
Updated personal Innovation Action Plan to include a long list of ideas, a system to evaluate those ideas and to develop a short list of ideas.
Participants will have a plan to test one or two ideas, and a framework to evaluate those tests.
For more information and to order tickets visit eventbrite.