Seven tips for building a social innovation city

SIX (the Social Innovation Exchange) has an interesting blog on its site. On a recent visit to Seoul, South Korea, Louise Pulford came up with a brief crib sheet of “dos” when it comes to supporting social innovation in the built environment.

  1. Encourage randomness – don’t over plan things
  2. Involve young people in shaping the future of the city
  3. Foster cooperation in the city
  4. Convert space into time
  5. Don’t get sucked into hype
  6. Prepare for changing needs of the city
  7. Consider long-term stewardship

Some of her comments are a little repetitive or trite.  For instance points two and three address co-design and co-production but the salami is being sliced a little thin. There are a couple of gems in here though. The comment that struck me most was “innovation isn’t something that gets ‘finished’ “.

It seems that innovation, like life, is more about the journey than the destination.


Published: December 6, 2016. Categories: Robert's Blog.