Upcycling 4 Youth event

We’re happy to be able to tell you that we had a celebration, awareness-raising and multiplier event for a great project we have been involved with.

The project is called Upcycling 4 Youth and it supports and develops young Macedonians by showing them options for recycling and upcycling generally, and for economic activity and entreprenurial activity in the upcycling sector more specifically.

Our recent online (Zoom) event was well attended. We spoke at length about many aspects of the project. Of particualr interest were aspects of messaging and the use of photogrpahic assets on social media platforms to communicate examples of different types of upcycled products to different customer types.

Discussion on visual messaging and the relevance of attractive photogrphs and graphics for consumption by young people onsocial media plaftorms was discussed at length

Our partners, Eko Zivot also had an event. They had the priviledge of being socially distanced face to face rather than on Zoom!

Here’s a link to the Facebook page of the project. There are some great photos here.

Published: October 30, 2020. Categories: Client News, News and Robert's Blog.

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